Fuel Saver Kit for all engines. Ecology for all !

On this picture, 2 pantones kits are installed (Water doping system based on Gillier pantone system). The goal is a reduction in energy consumption.

Some oil-producing countries use diesel as the unique source of energy.
Pollution is enormous incommensurate with the air quality of our European cities.
It is the consumption of a hundred cars at the stop is released in a limited space.

The fuel lines run through the streets and avenues, feeding here and there a generator 50 to 550kva.
The exhaust gases are discharged directly on the streets and avenues that surround the heated atmosphere causes direct pollution on people.
It is a permanent frog in cities.
The kit pantone Ecopra installation can improve combustion and reduce pollution drastically.

Last modified on Friday, 02 August 2013 12:24